Seven Skin Care Golden Rules

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Following the skin care golden rules is essential for everyone. However, maybe some of you are not familiar with the meaning of “golden rule” yet, so here it is.

A golden rule is a basic principle that you should follow to achieve success in a particular activity. Thus, if you really want to have a success skincare story, you must follow the skin care golden rules.

Indeed, our skin also requires rules and regulations to be part of our daily norms because it craves to be taken care of, too. It deserves to be treated gently and with love, too.

And as your skin gives life to you (when it’s healthy), you can give it life as well.

Seven Skin Care Golden Rules to Follow

You must follow these seven skin care golden rules to treat your skin well:

1.   Always take your make-up off before going to bed.

This must be the number one rule to keep your skin looking bright and healthy. Today, most of the ladies are so obsessed with make-ups. However, cosmetics can also give adverse effects on the skin when not appropriately used together with proper skin care.

You should think as well that after spending the whole day outside, you may have been exposed to sun, sweat, and lots of dirt caused by smoke or pollution. And for this reason, it is vital to cleanse your face regularly, especially before going to bed.

It is during the night that our skin rejuvenates where it heals wounds and creates new skin cells. So make sure that you are not just good at spending enough time applying make-up but most importantly, also by removing it.

Sleeping at night without removing your make-up may cause your pores to clog, and it will absorb the oils from your make-up that will definitely lead to acne and breakouts.

In addition to this, changing your pillowcase regularly is highly recommended. Your pillow is your best friend while you sleep. But the bacteria are too tiny to see.

Your pillowcase may include left-over products and excess dirt from your make-ups, as well as the oils from your face that can be the reason why your skin is still not kept clean.

In short, you should let your skin breathe freely at night so that it can rejuvenate, heal fully and prepare itself to face the next day ahead.

2.   Get enough sleep.

If you have already made it a habit to remove your make up before going to bed, it is also important to always get enough sleep. It’s because sleep is indeed considered as one of the skin care golden rules.

Our skin rejuvenates at night time, particularly while we are asleep. The ideal number of hours of a good night’s sleep is at least 7 to 8 hours a day. If you cut down the amount of sleep you should achieve, your skin will show it.

Having said that, it should always be noted to have enough time for beauty rest.

3.   Stay hydrated.

One of the most significant benefits of drinking plenty of water is its ability to flush your system of toxins. It cleanses and purifies your skin by pushing out bacteria that cause acne and other skin problems.

Moreover, drinking large amounts of water can give you a radiant, healthy, younger-looking complexion. Therefore drinking water indeed does affect the skin’s appearance.

4.   Find the best cleanser for you.

While cleansing the face is a must, finding the best cleanser for your skin type is a must, too. It is a skin care golden rule not to pick a facial cleanser without looking into its ingredients, reviews and without knowing your skin type.

You should always look for something best for you so that you won’t go wrong.

5.   Don’t overdo your skincare.

Having good skin care is recommendable, but don’t overdo it. Keep your skincare routine as simple as possible because most of the time, less is more.

Learn to weigh the important things and the “more” important things. This way, you’ll find out that all “more” important things are only the essentials.

For example, you don’t need to exfoliate daily. You should not be applying something that you don’t need because if you do, it can cause havoc to your skin.

6.   Never use expired skincare products.

There are some instances that you might not be aware of all the expiry dates of the skincare products you use. That is why it is vital to always check it.

Expired skincare products can cause crazy breakouts and irritate your skin. The reason is that there are face lotions, eye creams and facial cleansers that contain certain oils that separate from the rest of the product’s ingredients. These oils can get old and rotten.

7.   Moisturize, moisturize and moisturize.

Moisturizing is the best way to a smooth, long-lasting and silky skin. It prevents you from dry skin. Therefore, moisturizers play a significant role in the skincare golden rules.

There are skincare products that are rich in nourishing minerals and are strongly recommended to use for all skin types. Most of them are made out of rare and all-natural ingredients.

Have you ever heard about “Dead Sea Minerals?”

Nowadays, Dead Sea minerals are well-known because of its therapeutic and healing properties. However, manufacturers already use it for skincare products, too.

This can be a perfect ingredient for moisturizing your skin because it contains magnesium, sodium and potassium, which are the primary sources of the best moisturizer.

Skin Care Golden Rules: Final Thoughts

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The skincare golden rules are easy steps to follow. It is easy only if you’ll take all these things seriously and as long as you’re eager to achieve a successful skincare story.

By following the skincare golden rules, you can lead others to do it as well. So the more people following these rules, the more our naked eyes can see healthy and glowing skins each day.

Even so, along with the golden rules mentioned above, you can also discover more about the ingredients of the skincare products of your choice.

Visit our shop to know more about Dead Sea Minerals which is one of the best ingredients today, especially for moisturizing. We also have skincare routine products that are suitable for all types of skin types.