What is the Best Age to Start Moisturizing Your Skin?

Best Age to Moisturize Your Skin

The best age to start moisturizing your skin is actually in no particular age. Most of the skin experts believe that it is never too early or never too late in using moisturizers.

It is because sometimes there are babies who were naturally born with dry skin while others just get their dry skin eventually as they grow up. And for some, it is most likely, “if you have dry skin, moisturize it right away.”

However, it is still essential to be aware and knowledgeable about the best age to start moisturizing your skin because some products are made just for specific ages.

Even though you may have dry skin now, it doesn’t mean that your skin is ready to be treated with the product you’ll choose. Sometimes your skin will react depending on how sensitive it is.

For this reason, it is vital to know first what is best for your skin based on your age so that you can easily discover the best moisturizer for you and when is the best time to start using it.

The main purpose of a moisturizer is to help nourish your dry skin and prevent it from getting dry. Moreover, it contributes to a better and healthy self-image.

We also cannot deny that healthy glowing skin is attractive, and it can make you feel confident as you face life. Indeed, moisturizers are beneficial to achieve beautiful skin.

Skin Care Practices + The Best Age To Start Moisturizing Your Skin

To begin with, here are five skin care practices by age timeline that you can use as a guide to know when is the best age to start moisturizing your skin:

1.   Use anti-aging serums in your mid-20s.

It is much better if you start the practice of using an anti-aging eye serum decades before your eyes begin to wrinkle and sag.

The main purpose of anti-aging serums is to help eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. It can also brighten your skin, protect it from oxidative stress, boost its firmness and your skin tone, too. Indeed, anti-aging serums can help you achieve the healthy, glowing and young-looking skin.

Anti-aging serums that are made of Dead Sea minerals is a recommended product for you. It’s because it contains natural ingredients such as strong herbal extracts and natural oils, which can truly give you a skin described above.

Moreover, it is helpful to incorporate anti-aging foods in your diet while using anti-aging serums for best results.

2.   Start to exfoliate before meeting your first pimple.

It is quite late if you started exfoliating in your late 20s. Your first pimple may have occurred during your puberty stage when your menstrual period is about to begin. By that time, you must be doing regular exfoliating.

Exfoliation must be done at the beginning of your teen years to clean pores, protect your skin against acne and clear the dead cells from the skin surface. You don’t need to have dry skin before starting to exfoliate.

Having said that, you can pamper yourself by using exfoliating products with Dead Sea minerals for its natural ingredients can really give you a soft, smooth and silky feeling right after.

It promotes a smooth skin surface and minimizes pores. It is because according to studies, an uneven buildup of dead skin layers may contribute to dull skin and even skin cancers later in life. So you better think about it now.

3.   Use hand creams/moisturizers in your mid-20s.

As you grow older, your hands get a lot of tasks needed to be done daily as well. You might be exposed to water, chemicals and uncertain temperature that causes damage to your hands. Therefore, hands are prone to dry out, especially when adulting hit you hard.

Your mid-20s or when you are in the midst of working hard for your career is the best age to moisturize your skin, and one of the essential ways is to practice the use of hand creams. Using a hand cream is necessary to repair and restore damaged hands.

A hand cream that is made of Dead Sea minerals is perfect to use to moisturize your skin. With all of its natural ingredients, it can absolutely give you not just a younger-looking hands but also a softer one, too.

4.   Use body scrubs in your mid-20s.

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When we talk about “skin care” it does not necessarily mean about taking care of your face only. It is also the same way that your entire body needs to be taken care of. Aside from exfoliating your face, you can also take care of your other body parts’ skin such as arms, legs, chest, belly, and the rest until your toes.

Body scrubbing massage is best to be done in your mid 20’s because it eliminates dead skin cells which can occur that early based on your genetic makeup. A body scrub is basically a body treatment that is considered to be the “facial for the body.”

A body scrub is done with a rough texture grain material that is usually made of sea salt or sugar. It is much better when used with massage oil or essential oils and some soothing or moisturizing lotion to leave your skin hydrated.

When the scrub uses salt, it is called a salt scrub, salt glow or sea salt scrub.

Thus, a body scrub with Dead Sea minerals is the best choice for your skin because it is enriched with natural ingredients that are mentioned above such as essential oils and vitamins that can soothe and remove all dead skin cells.

5.   Use body oil anytime.

The best age to moisturize your skin using a body oil is now. You can use this anytime you want regardless of your age, and it is so beneficial for all skin types.

Body oil is considered to be a key to a young-looking skin because it hydrates the skin so well.

Organic body oils that are free of chemicals and extracted from natural ingredients are the best body oils. The main purpose and benefit that you can get from body oils is their ability to moisturize your skin. It stays into your skin for hours, unlike body lotions that rub off more quickly. It is good to feel that your skin is on a healthy balance of moisture— it makes you feel good and confident.

A body oil that is made of Dead Sea minerals which are organic and all-natural is perfect for your skin.


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The best age to start moisturizing your skin is up to you now. It is indeed difficult to keep your skin adequately moisturized yet it is possible as long as you are really willing to.

After all, age is just a number. And regardless of your age, you should take care of your skin. You may not see the results yet, but in the future, you will realize.

If you want to discover more about moisturizers and other skin care products, visit our shop. Our products are made of natural secret ingredients from the Dead Sea, which is best known for its skin-nourishing minerals.