Tips on How to Take Care of Your Skin + Secret Ingredients

Dead Sea Skincare

Take care of your skin while it’s not too late. The skin is sensitive, and it does matter. Yet oftentimes, people tend to overlook the importance of it because they think that it is just an additional expense.

Learning how to take care of your skin is easy and simple. It doesn’t have to be intensive because you can pamper yourself by starting from the basics. The basics may include secret ingredients that can fit your skin type and can totally transform your dull and dry skin into a smooth, young-looking and glowing skin.

Investing time and money to have good skin care and a healthy lifestyle that can result in a healthy and glowing complexion is worth it. It can also be prevention from natural aging so that you will always feel young and free throughout the years.

Simple Steps on How to Take Care of Your Skin

To help you get started, here are some easy and simple tips on how to take care of your skin:

1.   Wash your skin in the morning and night.

Wash your skin regularly and maintain its cleanliness all the time. This is the essential step in taking care of your skin. For this reason, picking the right facial cleanser for your skin type is highly recommended. For example, if you have oily and acne-prone skin, your facial cleanser must contain antibacterial ingredients.

However, if you have dry skin, you should pick an all-natural facial wash that is rich in magnesium, sodium and potassium like products that are made of dead sea salt.

2. Protect your skin from the sun.

A long time sun exposure can cause wrinkles, age spots and worse, it can increase the possibility of having skin cancer. Protecting your skin from the sun is one of the most important ways to take care of your skin.

For complete sun protection, you should put sunscreen 15 minutes before the actual sun exposure. If you will stay outside for a longer time, reapply it every 2 to 3 hours. A sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 is highly recommended.

You can also wear protective clothing to cover your skin from ultraviolet rays. Clothes like long-sleeved shirts, long pants and hats or caps will do.

3. Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking.

Smoking and drinking can dull and dry out your skin. These things are two of the main reasons why your skin will look older for it leads and contributes to wrinkles.

Smoking can damage the skin because it breaks the collagen and elastin, which significantly affects the skin’s strength and elasticity. Whereas, drinking alcohol can cause dehydration, puffiness, breakouts, hormone disruption and microbiome disturbance. Therefore, you should reduce or eliminate these habits for you to achieve the skin you are dreaming of.

4. Treat your skin mildly and tenderly.

Take care of your skin like you’re still a baby. It doesn’t have to be harsh. It only needs to be tender. Here’s how to treat your skin gently:

  • Limit your bathing time – Too much bathing time can damage the skin, especially when you are using hot water while you bath. It is vital to use only warm instead of hot water because hot water strips off your skin’s natural oils and dries it out.
  • Use a mild soap – Some of the fragranced soaps can be too harsh for the skin, and it can cause the skin to be sensitive and dry.
  • Be careful when shaving – Shaving can damage your skin, too. However, you can take care of your skin even if you’re shaving as long as you shave carefully. Just make sure to always use a shaving cream or gel before you do it. Then after shaving, use a mild and fragrance-free lotion to moisturize and hydrate your skin.
  • Don’t rub your skin when drying – Never rub your skin when drying. Instead, pat it dry. Your skin will remain soft and moisturized when you practice doing this.
  • Always moisturize dry skin – Don’t hesitate to use a moisturizer, especially when your skin is dry. However, make sure that the moisturizer fits your skin type. You can consider a moisturizer that contains SPF for your daily use.

5. Have a healthy diet.

Eating the right food can also contribute to a smooth, young-looking and healthy glowing skin. The first thing to do is to drink plenty of water. Stay hydrated as much as possible because this can prevent you from having acne and breakouts.

Next, eat foods that are rich in vitamin C and foods that contain omega 3-fatty acid. You can also drink 2 to 3 cups of green tea each day. Green tea is filled with antioxidants which can reduce inflammation and puffiness in your skin.

6. Learn to manage your stress.

Take care of your skin by saving some time to enjoy and have fun, too. Because the more you are stressed, the more you may suffer from acne and breakouts. The amount of your stress can reflect on the current state of your skin. It is also vital to get enough sleep so that you will not gain bags under your eyes.

There you go! The tips on how to take care of your skin that are mentioned above are easy and simple to do. However, you can do it better if you’ll have an idea about some of the secret ingredients most of the skin care products have, especially when you’re still searching what’s best for your skin.

Secret Ingredients to Take Care of Your Skin

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These are secrets that most ladies are very interested in. Have you ever heard about the Dead Sea? Most of the minerals that are not found in any other ocean in the world are from the Dead Sea. These are rare and natural.

Nowadays, the mystical properties that can be found within the Dead Sea can also be found in many skincare products, which is awesome! Here are five of the Dead Sea’s secret ingredients:

Dead Sea Water

A product with Dead Sea’s water contains minerals that have the highest concentration of any natural body of water. These minerals will help you achieve hydrated skin which is beautiful and healthy skin.

Dead Sea Mud

A product with Dead Sea’s mud is rich in magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron. These minerals have a calming effect on the skin, soothing cracking, roughness and redness at the same time. It will also help you achieve a clear and radiant complexion for it purifies and detoxifies your skin.

Dunaliella Algae

A product with this microalgae is rich not only in beta-carotene but also in natural anti-oxidant properties. These minerals help a lot to protect skin against UV radiation; it also strengthens the immune system and results in slow aging.

Red Micro Algae

A product with this algae has high levels of antioxidants contained within the rare botanical extract. These minerals will help you to remove the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.


A product with myrrh extract will help you to achieve a brighter skin and can reduce fine lines. Myrrh is known for creating an earthy and warm aroma in perfumes, but it can also be used for your skin. This can also help you to be youthful in appearance.

Take Care of Your Skin! 

Take care of your skin while you still have time and enough strength to do so. It might be simple and easy, but it can transform you extraordinarily as a result.

Indeed, being familiarized with the ways on how to take care of your skin is not enough until you put some effort on knowing the secret ingredients of the skin products you’re about to use as well.

To know more about the secrets of the Dead Sea, visit our shop. Our skin care products are made out of Dead Sea Salt, which can help you to start your skin care routine right now and achieve the healthy skin you’ve always wanted to.